

As with all steel structures in an atmospheric environment, corrosion is an issue to be addressed.

Metal spraying is widely used to alter surface properties, such as providing corrosion protection to ferrous metals, increasing the wear resistance or thermal conductivity of the sprayed elements.

What are the spray galvanization and hot dip galvanizing comparisons?

Galvanizing is a well-established process for steel corrosion. In practice, the steel material is briefly immersed in molten zinc, and the coating accumulates very quickly. Galvanized layers are usually of equal thickness, dense and metallurgically bound to steel.

Metal spraying offers the following advantages over galvanizing;

• Low heat input during spraying eliminates the risk of thermal degradation
• Low heat input eliminates the risk of thermal metallurgical decomposition
• In closed pressure vessels, the process is carried out without the risk of explosion.
• Coating is not only limited to zinc, Aluminum, Steel, Copper etc. occurs in coatings. It is an environmentally friendly application and there is no waste.
• Coating thickness may vary from place to place to provide extra protection in critical areas
• There is no limitation on material size
• There is no waste disposal problem
• Reduced zinc stocks are required. Working capital does not depend on molten zinc bath, such as hot dip galvanized.
• No fuel needed to keep zinc molten when the process is not running
• Metal spraying is applied to restore corrosion protection in damaged areas of welded galvanized steel.